We Prize it in Peanut Butter How important is consistency in wine?

It was American essayist-philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson who first suggested that the mentality that rates order, uniformity, and predictability too highly is not to be trusted.  ”A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” is how he memorably put it. It’s true that a world where everything happens in just the same way every…

Tedium in the Vineyard

Book Review Shadows in the Vineyard: The True Story of a Plot to Poison the World’s Greatest Wine By Maximillian Potter We know from prison movies that inmates who really ought to be spending their time hatching plots to amend their lives are more likely to use their enforced leisure to meditate new and better…

When Wine Doesn’t Rhyme

I like wine that’s Italian and red. “I shall have a Barolo,” I said. But I had to think twice When they told me the price. Now I favor Barbera instead.  The cute verse is from the site OEDILF.com where an editorial team and a host of contributors were busy compiling a complete English dictionary, each word defined…