Browsing for some information about an old Bordeaux (the 1967 Château Beychevelle) a while ago led me to a 1973 New York Magazine story whose banner you see above. The author, Romanian-born Alexis Bespaloff, wrote about wine for the magazine from 1972 to 1996. Bespaloff may be better known as the man who took over as editor…
All posts by Stephen Meuse
Come back, Alexis Bespaloff . . .
The caterpillar and the butterfly
Is wine art or craft? It’s the kind of question that can seem fun to knock around when the evening grows late and the company is the sort to have opinions and enjoy airing them out. I’ve gone more than a few rounds with friends on this topic, and while I’m not sure I’ve been…
It’s like this. Sort of.
Today, most wine education takes the form of a guided tour of what we might call the appellation trail. Since appellations constitute the fundamental categories nation states use to organize and police the wine produced within their borders, familiarity with them would seem to be important to developing a comprehensive view of the wine world and…
Quality wine? What’s that?
It’s no mystery that quality is a rather mysterious concept; one of those things everyone understands perfectly until it’s time to define it. Judgments of quality in wine are particularly challenging because we’re so easily distracted by the price of a thing or what we like or don’t like. But quality doesn’t depend on either…
Is Natural Wine Getting Less Natural?
Just how many years into the natural wine era (trend? wave? meme?) we may now be, is, like many other aspects of natural wine itself, not very clear. But I can say with certainty when I first encountered the phenomena. It was 1999, and arrived in the form of a bottle of Angiolino Maule’s La…
Only You Can Say
It’s said that this is a time when respect for real expertise is on the wane, its reputation as a source of solutions for whatever ails us under assault. Heaven knows experts have often got us into terrible fixes. In hindsight, we may blame bad outcomes on the work of ‘so-called’ experts. But this could…
How many kinds of wine are there? It’s a question I’m often mulling, in part because the answer always seems so appealingly out of reach. The idea that the query could be addressed merely by itemizing the hundreds of official geographic designations enshrined in appellation law (think Sancerre, Sonoma, or Chianti) is frankly laughable. For…
The Style Issue
From time to time, winemakers in town to present and talk up their wines will drop by our cellar. We love this, because it gives us an opportunity to get acquainted with the people whose wines line our shelves, and also because we get to ask all kinds of questions about how and why they…
Judgment in Paris
It was 46 years ago this month that the wine world experienced its very own version of The Shot Heard ‘Round the World: the 1976 showdown between Californian and French wines organized by late British wine merchant Steven Spurrier. It is still reverberating. The event became known as the Judgment of Paris not only because it was…
Sly, Wry Lambrusco
Wander the streets of the northern Italian city of Parma, and you may be struck, as I have been, by the innumerable small food shops, cafes and wine bars that display local charcuterie and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses in their flamboyantly dressy windows. So much so, that you might get the idea that citizens of, and visitors…
Ready or Not
How old is that in dog years? One of the most frequent, and perfectly reasonable questions we’re asked to field in the wine corner from day to day has to do with the state of readiness of a given bottle: Is this wine ready to drink? The answer, in brief, is always yes. It is longstanding…
Show of Hands
What makes a wine good, better or even best? It’s a challenging question and one that admits not only of multiple answers, but of more than one approach to drawing a conclusion.One strategy links judgment to our sensory perceptions — the degree to which one finds the scents, flavors, and feel of a wine pleasing…