The Lure of Elsewhere

We’ve written before about the number of grape varieties at work in our world — many more than people imagine. Beyond the now thoroughly exploited (and, frankly, rather humdrum) varietals Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Sauvigon Blanc, many hundred of others are regularly used to make wine of varying quality. We hear less from…

What a Dog Show Can Teach Us About Wine

Does winemaking resemble dog breeding? It’s a provocative question but not a facetious one. The thought came to me while having lunch with an old friend (now in his eighties) who groused “that not enough Chablis today tastes like Chablis.” For him, a quality wine must always taste like what it is.  But what exactly is Chablis? The…

Made to Measure

Does it strike you as strange that so much talk about wine is about wine talk itself? There’s certainly plenty to be said about somm (that’s sommelier) speak with its arcane vocabulary and bizarre syntax. One often hears the complaint that people writing and talking about wine are employing a kind of autonomous language (or just gibberish) and that…

Where Did My Wine Go?

It’s a question we’re often called upon to answer. It’s true enough that we sometimes move things around a bit to keep the Wine Corner looking fresh, a practice that can leave our clientèle scratching their heads when unable to quickly spot something they’re looking for. But this is a situation that’s quickly put right. More…

The Grapes That Fall Along the Way

We always make room to talk about the romantic side of wine — all the beautiful places and interesting people responsible for bringing it into being. We speak much less about the sometimes punishing, almost always unglamorous labor involved in producing it. Unpredictable weather patterns are not making the work easier. Early flowering makes vines vulnerable to…

Not Since Lunch

The place names Bordeaux and Burgundy may be the most well-known in the wine world. Even people with no wine experience at all know of them and with good reason. Each began its wine-obsessed life shortly after the Roman conquest of what is today France; Each is mainly famous for its red wine; Each is a prime object…

Stem Snatcher or Foot Pincher?

The wine experience is readily sorted into three distinct areas of operations. And, while two of these — the making of wine and its imbibing — draw the bulk of our interest, the third, connected with the keeping, serving and polite consumption of wine, gets far less attention. What constitutes good behavior in this area is admittedly…

Manipulation Not a Four Letter Word

Here in the wine corner, we have real admiration for winemakers who do things the old-fashioned way, who work with traditional materials and methods, who eschew needless interventions with the aim of making a more honest, authentic product. The shorthand term we use to describe wines like this is ‘natural’, and it’s a useful term  .  .…

What the Birds Know

From an evolutionary point of view, a grape is really nothing more than a little seed bundle whose sweet flesh and bright color serve to attract the birds who, ingesting it, subsequently sow said seed far and wide, thereby making more grape vines. It’s perhaps humbling to think that, to a grape vine, we wine drinkers serve pretty…

Not the Same as Large or Blue

The wine world has always been obsessed with representations of quality. Strange, then, that quality should remain so elusive a concept. This is in part because, while all material objects have properties (the property of being large or of being blue, say), it’s not clear that quality is a property in quite this same way.…