Differences of Degree

An American’s first wine encounter while in Europe can elicit surprise. It’s not that Europeans keep the best for themselves — a strangely persistent canard.  Rather, it’s the temperature at which wine is served.  Whites abroad are typically served a little warmer and reds consistently cooler than Americans are used to. Is this just a…

Geology is Destiny. Isn’t it?

There’s plenty of mystery about what’s mainly responsible for the expression of individual character in wine, but lend an ear to wine’s chattering classes right now, and you would think the matter has been settled once and for all in favor of . . .  soils. In the soil-as-primary-determinant-of-wine-character theory, it’s the mineral content and condition of dirt and rock…

You Say Naughty, I Say Natty

Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off was a George and Ira Gershwin hit that made its debut in the 1937 film Shall We Dance?, sung by another incomparable duo, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (watch the scene here). The tune’s lyricsinclude the by now iconic line “You say potato and I say potahto”  — a kind of anthem for couples who can’t seem to agree…

Hanging in there. Or not.

It’s a truism — perhaps by now a cliché — that wine is made in the vineyard. It’s a way of saying that winemakers who start with ripe, healthy fruit have most of the work done for them. The adage makes perfect sense when you consider that while grapes are still attached to a vine, they’re subject…

The Taste of Others

How mysterious is taste? Let’s begin by observing that by time-honored consensus, there’s no accounting for it. Meaning, as we take it, that there’s no way to demonstrate conclusively why one person is drawn to something another is repelled by or, on another level, is merely indifferent to. Reasons can always be brought forward to…

The Pairing Puzzle

Judging from the questions we field in the Formaggio Kitchen wine corner and what we hear in the classes we regularly conduct (if you haven’t been to one, you’re missing out), the how, what and why of pairing food with wine continues to be a source of uncertainty and not a little anxiety.  My sense is that…

Meet Me at the Café

When the exotic beverage known as coffee first appeared in Europe in the second half of the seventeenth century, inns, taverns, alehouses, pubs and caterers of every description were already well-entrenched. There were plenty of places to get a drink, a meal or a snack, although the restaurant as a place offering a menu of…